Don't miss the chance to win a BMW, iPad Mini's, iPhone 5s and Watsons Gift Certificates bi-weekly in the Watsons Triple Treats SMS promo.
Joining is super easy!
- Make a minimum P500 purchase inclusive of at least one (1) Triple Treats qualifying product from any participating brand in any Watsons or The SM Store Beauty Section (Olay, Ponds, Nivea, Celeteque, Cetaphil, Head & Shoulders, Belo Essentials, Biogenic Alcohol, Concaze, Rexona, Swish, Camay, Creamsilk, Nivea Men, Syoss, Ceelin, Belo Neutraceuticals, Strepsils, Cosmo Skin, Bench, BYS, Cutex, Ever Bilena, Hair Treats, Solmux, Cosmo Cee, Berocca, Growee, Delfi, Absolute)
- Every P500 purchase inclusive of a participating product gets you 1 raffle entry. Total entries can be found at the bottom of your receipt.
- Register and submit your entry via SMS:
How To Register:
You only have to register once. Text in the following information in correct format and sequence to 2600: WATSONS REG
Example: WATSONS REG Jo Uy/#4 Atis St, Cubao/
You will receive a confirmation notice soon after.
How To Submit Entries:
Submit your entry via SMS by texting in your transaction invoice number + number of entries earned to 2600. You must following the exact format and sequence below:
WATSONS to 2600.
Example: WATSONS 123456/2
Is promo registration and entry submission via SMS free?
The one-time promo registration is free of charge, while each promo entry submission will cost:
P2.50/text for Globe, TM, Smart & Talk ‘n Text subscribers
P2/text for Sun Cellular subscribers
E-raffles will be held after each of the following promo cut-offs:
Bi-weekly prizes cut-off dates:
(1) February 15, 2014 (2) March 1, 2014 (3) March 15, 2014 (4) March 29, 2014
Grand prize cut-off date: March 31, 2014
Winners will be informed by an authorized Watsons representative through the contact details provided in their SMS registrations.
To recap: Purchase worth P500 including a participating product in all Watsons/SM Store Beauty Sections, register via text, submit entry via text and cross your fingers!
Simple and hassle-free! Join now. Don't miss the chance to win one of the many awesome prizes!
With Watsons, There's Always More.
For other concerns and more info regarding the Triple Treats promo, call Watsons' promo hotline number (+63)928-269-7447 or LIKE Watsons Philippines on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (@WatsonsPH)
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